Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Arabic Plugins

Hi There,

A list of interesting Arabic plugins.

1. Shahid.net (updated October 2013)


Install the plugin from the zip

plugin Zip

Shahid v8.0

information source


2. Dubai Media INC


Install the plugin from the zip OR install it as a video source


go to video->files->'add videos', then type the source as rss://frfsh12lnk.appspot.com/?url=dmi

plugin Zip


information source


3. istikana


Install the plugin from the zip OR install it as a video source


go to video->files->'add videos', then type the source as rss://myseeon12.appspot.com/?url=lst

plugin Zip


information source


4. Arabic repository

1. Al Qahera Al Youm
2. Sotwesoora.Tv
3. GLArab - need a proxy on a PC
4. ATN Network - you need to subscribe
5. Shahid.net - NOT working use the one above
6. Teledunet.com. nice live streams


install it using “System > Addons > Install a ZIP file“. This will install a repository containing the arabic repository.

plugin Zip


information source


Monday, August 5, 2013

new issue of MagPi is out

MagPi is Out interesting to read

Multi Boot option

Tired of swapping SDs to try different OS?

Do you have different use cases for your PI and each needs another OS?

You can use BerryBoot to have more OS running on the PI, you can do that even using a small SD and having all OSs on the USB drive

Download link Berryboot for the Raspberry Pi: berryboot-20130528.zip

Simply format your SD to FATxx, and simply extract the content of the above ZIP file there.

you can install on the USB drive but make sure that it is empty since it will be formatted by the Berry..

Friday, August 2, 2013

Installing Super Repo

Super Repo is the huge source of plugins


How to add it


Addons that worth installing

1. IceFilms
2. NotFilmOn
3. NaviX
4. Mashup

Controlling Openelec with TV Remote

If you want to control your openelec installation using your TV remote via HDMI connector, your TV need to have HDMI-CEC standard. first you have to know if your TV is HDMI-CEC capable or not?

Different brands for HDMI CEC
There are different trade names for HDMI CEC, search your TV manual, Box and the TV itself for one of the following.

Samsung - Anynet+
Sony - BRAVIA Link or BRAVIA Sync
Sharp - Aquos Link
Hitachi - HDMI-CEC
AOC - E-link
Pioneer - Kuro Link
Toshiba - Regza Link or CE-Link
Onkyo - RIHD (Remote Interactive over HDMI)
LG - SimpLink
Panasonic - VIERA Link or HDAVI Control or EZ-Sync
Philips - EasyLink
Mitsubishi - NetCommand for HDMI
Runco International - RuncoLink

PS: some TVs might have it only on 1 dedicated  HDMI slot eg. HDMI1 or HDMI-CEC

Have Fun

PI as Media Center

Most interesting use case for the PI to use it as a Media center, XBMC is best Media center that you can ever us.

Lucky XBMC runs on PI you can get different releases / builds but my main one is the openelec 

To Install openelec you need the following

1. your PI
2. SD card I recommend 2GB, more is OK but not needed

1. openelec image get the latest here
2. Tool to prepare the card MINI Partition Manager
3. Instruction to follow, TasksOfOhm did a good job there to explain it. you have to follow that really to the word, it works good.

Install it and lets see

Thursday, August 1, 2013

My Very first blog

Hi there,

This is my very first ever blog, the idea is to share my findings about THE RASPBERRY PI with all my friends who have, love it or even thinking about it.

If you don't know what am I talking about check this Raspberry PI.

If you are interested let me know and follow or read.

Over and Out.
